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The 5 places with the worst indoor air.

Writer's picture: Layne KilpatrickLayne Kilpatrick

References are linked throughout the transcript.


I wonder if you can guess the 5 places where you spend time that have the worst indoor air quality. I bet you spent the bulk of your day TODAY in at least 3 of these places! More and more studies are finding multiple hormone disruptors in indoor air. It can be way worse than outdoor air. So, remember our worthy foe, BP-3 that's in sunscreens? It disrupts at the estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone receptors. Well, they're finding it in the AIR! In this test they collected 81 indoor air samples all around Albany, NY. And here are the 5 places with the highest levels. #5 Offices. #4 Homes. #3 Public places like shopping malls. #2 barbershops/hair salons. And the place with the worst indoor air... Your CAR!!

Where are all these toxins in the air coming from?? They're off-gassing from plastics, paint, building materials, fire retardants on furniture, cleaning products, pesticides, fragrances, even textiles and infant clothing, especially infant socks for some reason! What do you do about it? Well, eliminate or replace as many of those things as you can. But you can't eliminate all sources, so ya gotta filter your air.

So, I've been reviewing air filters until I can't see straight. I found a good quality line I recommend for home and office and even some car filter systems since cars are apparently not particularly good places to BREATHE! So check 'em out on Layne's Likes in my bio. And... we all just got a little smarter!


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