If you are a new mother or know someone who is and they are warming baby milk or formula in a plastic bottle in the microwave, STOP IT NOW! And I'll tell you why. I've been advising against storing food in plastic containers at room temperature and even under refrigeration, especially liquids and foods with a high liquid or fat content. One study published a few weeks ago by the University of Nebraska suggests that millions of microplastic particles can be released into the food over 6 months of storage. But the real shocking part is they found that by heating that food in the same plastic container for just 3 minutes released as many as 4.2 million particles FROM JUST ONE SQUARE CENTIMETER of the plastic container wall. Let's not feed our babies plastic! They don't need plastic running around in their veins.
And that's with the best type of plastic RIC 5. Consistent with what I've been saying, they found it was even worse with polyethylene types of plastic (RIC 2 & 4), that's HDPE and LDPE. Just avoid heating food in ANY type of plastic. Especially baby milk or food. Use a glass bottle, or you can even get stainless steel bottles if you're worried about breaking a glass bottle. Just warm those in a hot water bath. It doesn't take long. Oh, and get rid of that plastic splatter guard in your microwave! I'm going to keep saying this until my sister throws hers away! Oh! Better yet. I'll buy her a glass one. Shhhhh!