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Ever had someone tell you that electromagnetic waves from your cell phone are harmful to your health? And then you suddenly remembered you had to be somewhere, ANYWHERE but standing there listening to any more of this conspiracy? Well... let's talk about it. But let's be specific. Can a cell phone signal hurt... your boys? Yeah, THOSE boys. Now, these aren't the strongest studies. But a meta-analysis of 18 studies done in 2021 concluded that... yes, it can. There was a decrease in sperm motility by about 8%, viability 12%, and concentration 7%. And, what was new about this study was that phone usage time didn't really matter much. This means the damage starts as soon as a person starts using and carrying a cell phone around with them, regardless of usage time, which could be quite concerning since kids these days have had cell phones since childhood. They even looked at the difference between carrying your phone in your pants pocket vs. a handbag or backpack. No significant difference. I know Andrew Huberman said he feels like you should avoid your front pockets so the heat from the phone is not close to your boys, but as I dug into the study, it doesn't seem to make a difference. It's just having it with you. So you gotta wonder if your kid doesn't have a cell phone, but sits right behind and in front of kids in school all day who do, wouldn't the exposure be the same? And I think I'd put your phone in the other room at night when sleeping. Something to think about.