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In Western countries, the average man in 1973 had 99 million sperm per ml of semen. By 2011 it had fallen to 47.1 million. That's research by @drshannaswan.* That's a major concern for those trying to reproduce, but it's also associated with lower overall health among men.
Here are 3 foods that can cause sperm problems
1. High intake of full-fat dairy products, especially cheese. Maybe from hormones injected to promote growth or pesticides?
Solution: Buy organic dairy products from grass-fed animals.
2. Pregnant women who ate seven or more meals per week containing beef, had sons with reduced sperm counts. Men who eat a lot of processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage, salami had lower sperm counts.
Solution: Again, buy organic, grass-fed, preservative-free, meat (no nitrates), or eat fish!
3. Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, and sports drinks can cause reduced sperm motility. Sperm need to move!
Solution: Don't buy them! Get smart. Drink filtered water!
*COUNT DOWN, Shanna H. Swan, PhD 2020 p. 20